Social Events at the Edge Lounge & Nightclub
Socials are a great way to raise money for your wedding, charity, or as a fundraiser. The Frantz Inn hosts socials in The Edge on any night of the week except on Fridays. Socials generally have a start time of 8 – 9pm and you may sell tickets at the door until 11:00pm. After that time, anyone coming to bar may enter without purchasing a ticket.
Please note: VLT customers and those staying as guests at hotel are not to be charged to enter the bar (unless they are staying at hotel to attend your social).
The Frantz Inn provides FREE of charge:
- The venue from 8pm – 1am
- Tables, chairs, drinking glasses, etc
- DJ, mic and sound system
- Bartenders
- Security
- Tables for silent auction and ticket sales in lobby
You will:
- Print and sell your own social tickets (300 maximum)
- Set your own ticket prices
- Keep all profits from your ticket sales
- Provide any decorations for social (install subject to approval)
- Organize your own silent auction, set ticket prices, sell your tickets and keep the profits
- Acquire a licence from the LGA to set up a silent auction or raffle. For information on regulations go to the LGA website.
- Provide person to collect and sell tickets at door (until 11:00 only!)
- Confirm your late lunch number, based on your tickets sold one week before the event. Food will be prepared based on the number you provide.
- Read and sign the contract for your event
Late Lunch Menu: $3.95 per person ( Minimum of 100 people or *$395)
- Assorted Cold cuts
- Assorted Cheeses
- Pickles
- Vegetable platter
- Bread
- Plates, napkins & condiments
Under MLCC regulations food must be served during a social. Taxes & gratuities are not included in price.
For available dates or to book your social call 204-326-9831 or Email: